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An SH-wave EMAT technique for gas pipeline inspection
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4. Interpretation of measurements
4.1. Dish-shaped defects
Complexity of the phenomena can be seen in Fig. 3, which plots a result of scanning test with the SH1 mode along with the thickness profile of the dish-shaped defects. Hereafter, phase data are plotted relative to the measurements at flawless parts. Both the amplitude and phase of the SH1 mode are shifted from the normal levels and, in this sense, successfully indicate the presence of defects somewhere along the circumference.We observe a decrease in amplitude at the defects, but the magnitude is not directly related to the defect depth. We also observe a decrease in phase for the shallow defect, but an increase for the deeper defects. In practice, there is a complicated inter-mode energy transfer at the positions of thickness change, including nonpropagating (imaginary) modes whose amplitudes decay exponentially from the discontinuities [11,12]. We intend to qualitatively explain the observation of Fig. 3 with three mechanisms: that is, the mode conversion, the group velocity dispersion and wave diffraction around the corroded area. An exact explanation will only be available by solving this three-dimensional, time-dependent elastic problem.

Fig. 5. Dependence of phase and amplitude on tmin of the rectangular defect (t = 5.4 mm). The broken lines indicate the cut-off thickness of the SH1 mode.

The defect behaves as an obstacle for the propagating SH wave. When it impinges on the wall thinning, the transmission,
the reflection, and the mode conversion take place (see a simplified illustration in Fig. 4) and only a part of incident energy is eventually allotted to the original propagation mode, which is detected by the EMAT with less amplitude than the flawless parts. For fixed f, the wavelength is adjusted in the thinner part so as to match the dispersion relation there. This occurs in a straightforward manner and the velocity remains unchanged with the SH0 mode, since t modifies the normalized frequency and wavenumber at the same rate. But, it is not the case for the SH1 mode. The group velocity diminishes with the thinning and this mode cannot propagate for thickness less than the cut-off thickness defined by tC = nπCS/ω, where ω satisfies the above dispersion relation. This cut-off thickness tC takes the value of 3.1 mm for the normal thickness of t = 5.4 and 3.3 mm for t = 6.3 mm. When the remaining thickness is larger than tC, the defect supports the propagation both in the SH0 and SH1 modes, which are mode-converted back to the SH1 mode on the far side, returning to the EMAT. Involvement of the SH0 mode of larger group velocity has resulted in the earlier arrival and the phase drop of the SH1 mode relative to the flawless circumference. Since the thickness varies in the axial direction and the group velocity decreases with the thickness, the defect acts as a lens and focusing occurs [1]. This effect makes a small amplitude rise at the center of the shallowest defect in Fig. 3. When the remaining thickness is smaller than tC, the SH1 mode cannot transmit the energy across the defect and the most incident energy is reflected back to the near side. The SH1 wave takes the diffracted paths around the defect, causing the delayed arrival and the phase jump. The mode-converted SH0 wave seems to contribute little.


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